Icon College Unit 16 understanding specific needs in HSC

This is solution of Health social care specific needs assignment, discusses about caring needs for person who are suffered from dementia disease.

TASK 1: Understand perceptions of health, disability, illness and behaviour.

Each and every individual who gets admitted in the care home has got its own needs and requirements which are in specific to an individual. Here in this case being a service worker I was appointed to meet up with the family of Mr. Holland and understanding the specific needsof Mr. Holland in case he is admitted into our home.

I met the son and the father and understood that Mr. Holland has the disability to walk and also faces difficulty in understanding of needs. He is a person who needs a special and specific care in terms of appointment of a special nurse to take care of all the issues. In case meeting his daily requirements too, he would need a male representative to be present with him throughout day and night so that he is well taken care off (Nutbeam, 2000).

1.1 Analyse the concepts of Health, Disability, Illness and the Behaviour in relation to users of health and social care services.

Health of Mr. Holland may be defined as his physical and mental state. He is unable to understand the things properly and that has given a reason to him for being admitted to the care home where his specific needs in terms of daily understanding and special needs are met. He is a handicap in terms of his mental and physical body. He is unable to walk properly and even cannot easily understand and respond to the things being asked from him. He has been ill for around 10 years but was taken care of by his wife who is now no more and both the children are married with their professional careers so they cannot leave him alone in this state. They think that in case in their absence he needs anything then there should be a person who is at his demand available to fulfil his physical needs. Not only this; when he would be admitted to the social care home then he will have company of other people of the similar kinds and he will not feel alone. Mr. Holland has lost his wife and his son feels that in absence of his mother, his father needs a company of other similar people which they would not be able to give as all have been working and out of their homes for around 12-15 hours.

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Health promotion beliefs state that in the presence of the other similar people in the social care home, Mr. Holland’s needs for social and mental grounds would be well taken care of. The son believes that his father should get the facilities like a full time representative, availability of Television, park in the evening, social needs to be met in the presence of various other similar kinds of people who would be providing him company and helping him recover from his illness.

1.2 Assess how perceptions of specific needs have changed overtime.

The perceptions and beliefs of illness and disability have changed overtime. These professionally and publicly managed agencies, care homes and the institutions are changing their perspectives so that they are attending to the specific needs of the individuals based on the requirements and demands of their families for the patient or the disable person who is admitted to the social care homes. Disability is a condition in which the patient is unable to do certain physical, mental and social activities. When a person becomes disabling, it has become a concern for a family and nobody can leave his career and sit at home. So in order to give ease to the family and even the disable person, the family decides to admit him in social care homes so that his specific needs and requirements are well taken care of (Emmons & Rollnick, 2001).

1.3 Analyse the impact of legislations, social policy, society and culture on the ways that services are made available for individuals with specific needs.

There has also been a great impact of the social policy, legislations, society and the culture on the ways the services have to be made available to Mr. Holland who is a patient that has specific needs. As per the legislations and the social policy, Mr. Holland has to be provided with the following in order to meet his specific needs:

  • Availability of the disable machines through which he just sits and he could be taken in the park, entertainment and social rooms in the care home so that his social needs are being met.
  • A full time male representative from the social care home to take care of his specific needs.
  • A regular visit of a doctor in morning and evening to assess the impact of treatment and health care services that are given to him.

Hence in brief I would like to say that Mr. Holland will get special care in the social care home and would be well taken care of as per the needs that have been specifically noted down as per his own and family requirements.

TASK 2: Understand how health and social care services and systems support individuals with specific needs.

As analysed, Mr. Holland Park is visually impaired, hearing impaired and exhibits challenging behaviour with other people around him. He has been in the early stages of dementia. He is a person who cannot see, walk, talk and even exhibits different and challenging behaviours. He has to be understood well. This case requires special understanding learning.

2.1 Analyse the care needs of individuals with specific needs.

Care needs for Mr. Holland would be specific in terms that he needs an assistant for full time in order to take care of his specific needs. Although he cannot see yet he has to be taken outside in the evening so that he feels fresh and rejuvenated. The care needs that social care home would be provided would be in terms of his social, physical, emotional, language and spiritual needs. Since Mr. Holland cannot listen and see things so he has to be explained things with the help of special devices like the written papers which has things very boldly and written in form or words coming out so that he could identify the things and understand. Mr. Holland Park would be placed with special and specific needs. There would be availability of special kinds of trained, skilled and expertise people who could take care of his needs well. Social needs of Mr. Holland would be met in the social care home in terms of hygiene needs, needs for communication and development of the relationships etc. He would be given special and mechanized kinds of facilities in terms of specialized wheel chair that he can himself sit on and even operate it well. The social care home will provide training to him through the experts who would guide him on how to communicate his idea to the staff so that his needs are met in time (Davis et al, 1999).

2.2 Explain current systems for supporting individuals with specific needs.

The social care home has the floors that are like the wheel chair will easily be operated on them. The infrastructure of the care home has been designed in such a way that it would be easy for the users to access the wheelchairs and all the essential devices that would be given to them. It would be easy for Mr. Holland to himself operate its gates and run on it. The entire home has been designed in a user friendly way so that the specific needs of people like Mr. Holland are being met in all the ways. There is availability of clear edges, paths, marked steps, warning signs on the heads if the users will try to pass through the emergency and hazardous areas. The biggest advantage of the social care home would be that it has been designed specifically taking care of all aspects and needs of the people who are from visually, socially, hearing and physically impaired. The equipment, staff, machinery and the infrastructure offer such a facility that the people are able to easily operate these devices. All the patients who get admitted in our social care homes are taken for a training session of around 1 month wherein they are taught how their basic needs could be fulfilled.

2.3 Evaluate the services available in a chosen locality for individuals with specific needs.

The special and specific facilities and infrastructure that social care home has that will ease the stress and tensions of family of Mr. Holland are:

  • User friendly and interactive kind of infrastructure at the social care home.
  • Availability of all the new and mechanized devices to be operated.
  • Trained, Skilled and Competent manpower to meet the needs and expectations of the family as well as the special people with disability, illnesses, impairments and special needs.
  • These people who have specific and special needs would be given a healthy, hygienic and user friendly kind of an atmosphere meeting up their social, physical, and mental and various other needs (Hart & Bond, 1995).
  • They would be given a consistent training of one month so that they get acquainted with the new kind of devices, equipment and the mechanized tools that are available at the social care homes.
  • There is availability of doctors, nurses and the various other team of people who could meet up with the immediate needs of the individuals who have special and specific needs.

Based on the kind of systems, processes, infrastructure and the facilities that the social care home has, Mr. Holland would be well taken care of. He would be given special kind of training so that he could himself manage few of his daily tasks and that too in the availability of a special representative who would be a guide and trained personnel.

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TASK 3: Understand approaches and intervention strategies that support individuals with specific needs.

An approach refers to the various actions and the ideas that are present in the social care to handle the problem or the situations that persist with respect to the various patients and the people admitted. Interventions are the interventions that are present for the social care, and rule and dictate its working.

3.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of intervention strategies for an individual with specific needs.

These are certain rehabilitation and morale boosting exercises, educational approaches and interventions that the company has been following. Mr. Holland can be seen now and the report indicates that he has been quite independent and operating all his activities on his own. Even his own son could not believe his eyes when he saw him doing his things himself.

3.2 Discuss the potential impact of emerging developments on support for individuals with specific needs.

The potential impact is that people with disabilities are able to handle themselves and do not depend on others. On timely intervals even the evaluation, testing and auditing of the machines, disable people are being done by the specialists and the doctors so that extent of improvement could be mapped and improvisations could be brought.

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TASK 4: Understand strategies for coping with challenging behaviours associated with specific needs.

Mr. Holland has been a person who shows the challenging behaviour.

4.1 Explain different concepts of challenging behaviour.

Challenging behaviour refers to the one where there are learning disabilities, ill health conditions, physical and mental disabilities, impairment on physical fronts and he is having several injuries in his body. These kinds of patients and the people do not know that their challenging behaviours can harm and cause a threat to various others who are surrounded by them. Challenging behaviours need specialized and unique skills that all the agencies, institutes and centres cannot handle them.

These kinds of patients are not easier to be handled. They have to be dealt with specialised strategies and techniques so that their challenging behaviours are being controlled, monitored and handled well.

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4.2 Describe the potential impact of challenging behaviour on health and social care organizations.

The potential impact of the challenging behaviours on the health and social care organizations are:

  • They have been taking out newer ways of handling these disabled people. These newer ways have been developed with the help of extensive researches that are being carried out in this medical field.
  • They have been introducing certain techniques and training practices that help these individuals in learning the ways in which they could develop and handle their own as well as challenging behaviours in their environment by various other people. These techniques are the verbal, non-verbal and video formats that are a newer way of learning for these kinds of people.
  • Sometimes our homes record the challenging behaviours of these patients or the disabled people and when they are back to normal then they are being shown on the records and videos so that they themselves understand the importance of the challenging behaviours. They themselves ask the agencies on how do they overcome these challenging behaviours then several RPI or the restrictive physical interventions are being used so that they could themselves help in overcoming the various barriers that result in the challenging behaviours in them.

4.3 Analyse strategies for working with challenging behaviours associated with specific needs.

The various strategies are:

  • Studying on the behaviour of disabled people and what are the factors that are resulting in this kind of behaviour – Through the means of studying the ways and the factors that affect the behaviour of these people, the specialists and doctors can understand on the ways by which they could be prevented and eliminated. This is the basic step in working towards the challenging behaviours of the people. Unless the reasons are known, the working could not be done in order to avoid and work towards the challenging behaviour. By knowing the conditions, reasons and the factors that result in the challenging behaviours, specialists can take out several techniques, ways and the prevention methods whereby these could be avoided (Glanz et al, 1990).
  • They could be given certain specialized tasks whereby they become busy in themselves and learn to handle their own behaviour and expressions with others. The specialists will try to develop a positive image before these people and confront them to explain them the importance of respecting, communicating and helping each other. Even if they express their concerns in the form of challenging behaviour, the consequences, results and the problems that could be created should also be discussed. These activities are sometimes done in the form of videos, role plays and the interactions that are fruitful and healthy. By keeping them busy in learning and increasing and boosting their morale, they could be made to learn to adopt to the new environment (Grol & Grimshaw, 2003).
  • Behavioural Reinforcements – These people who have disabilities and even the challenging behaviour need to be told that in case their behaviours would be good then the people would be rewarded and are given them laurels before all others who are making a difference in their lives. They also have to be told on the problems, issues and challenges that would be faced in case they would not handle their challenging behaviour. This technique is not only positive but has negative consequences also attached which have to be communicated to different people. They should be told on the problems and the consequences that will accompany them.

These challenging behaviours have to be managed also through primary and secondary prevention techniques and ways. These people have to be put under the circumstance that will make them know the impact of the challenging behaviours that they mark on others. They have to be called together and a planning on front of reviewing of various incidents and even planning for the future should be carried out. Primary Prevention is taking the action before the incident could mark any kind of negative impact on the people. These disable people should be provided with certain opportunities and situations where they are being caught and asked for various feelings and feedback they have on it. This way they analyse the situation by remaining in that position by themselves. Secondary prevention is the way in which an analysis is being carried out initially only so that these problems do not escalate. These disable patients are made to recover and learn from the problems that they have been facing for quite a longer time. The major ways that are taught and communicated to them are: Defusing – These are the relaxation techniques and developing positive thoughts, values, principles and practices in their daily lives so that they could learn more and more. These defusing methods are taught to them verbal as well as non-verbal formats and ways.   These methods are not the only ones rather social care home has several other ways of controlling the patients with disabilities. Also as per the strategies in the form of interventions help the people in getting out of the daily needs and requirements, these disabled people learn to develop and grow. Hence by following of certain strategies which are revealed when a study and detailed analysis on the disabilities is carried out. This would help in developing these disabled people from the challenging behaviours to the normal ones so that they do not act as a restriction to the social home care staff and help them in recovering them well (Munn-Giddings & Winter, 2013).

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TASK 5: Self-Evaluation

Health and social care has been an area where there is a lot of research and development that has been taking place. There are newer and newer ways, techniques, styles and modes that are been discovered and explored so that the trainers can easily help the disable people in recovering from their problems. There are various approaches and interventions that are being studied. These strategies give them a way and method whereby the disable people do not have to depend on the specialists, assistants and the helpers in getting recovered from their illnesses and handling their health and disablements (Schulz & Martire, 2004).

Several trainings and ways of their improvements have been designed and formulated so that they could help themselves and recover from the problems. Social care homes are designed in such a way that the disable people can easily get adapted to their environments. Their things and daily needs are placed on the right places. They are being given training in walking to specific steps and doing their daily chores without being dependant on other people’s availability. Social care helps the people in getting trained and learning the new skills whereby they are being given vocational trainings so that they could earn their livelihood well. This way the people in spite of their disabilities and illnesses take out ways of recovering from their problems. These techniques and devices have given a new edge and advantage for these disabled people who are now living and are extremely motivated in spite of their illnesses, disabilities and the problems. They are now no more dependent on others for fulfilling of their daily needs.

There are several people who have the challenging behaviours that cause a severe problem not only for themselves but also for the staff and the other people living in the social care home. These challenging behaviours are also studied and the ways of handling them have been devised and formulated. The social care homes are following several ways whereby they could help these challenging behaviour patients to get to know the consequences that are there due to their behaviours. This way they either record or play the videos that help them in understanding the importance of nice behaviour, respect and support that they should render for each other. Hence it could be said that traditionally these people were difficult to be handled and learn to live. The science and the various new discoveries of the devices, tools, equipment and the machinery that has come as a new process has helped them in living their own lives. They are now no more dependent on others for carrying out daily activities. Staff of the social care has to ensure that their things are being placed nicely and at appropriate places. Hence social care and health are now no more issues rather they are the new areas that have been explored and put into use and practice. They are now giving the opportunity to the people in handling them easily and in a new way or format (Sallis et al, 2008).


This Health social care specific needs assignment report aware deeply from the dementia disease. Mr. Holland Park would easily be able to adjust in the new culture and environment of Social home care. He would be trained to learn and develop new skills through the new ways that have been explored in health and social care and he would be able to live an independent life.


Davis, D., O'Brien, M. A. T., Freemantle, N., Wolf, F. M., Mazmanian, P., & Taylor-Vaisey, A. 1999. Impact of formal continuing medical education: do conferences, workshops, rounds, and other traditional continuing education activities change physician behaviour or health care outcomes? Jama282(9), 867-874. Emmons, K. M., & Rollnick, S. 2001. Motivational interviewing in health care settings: opportunities and limitations. American journal of preventive medicine,20(1), 68-74. Gerber, P. D., Nel, P. S., & Van Dyk, P. S. 1995. Human resources management. Southern Book Publishers. Glanz, K., Lewis, F. M., & Rimer, B. K. 1990. Health behaviour and health education: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 88-96). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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