HND Business Unit 32 Quality Management

This HND business quality management assignment describes the best way to manage quality in organizations given in city of london college.

Task 1

Examine the Concepts of Quality in your chosen Organization and discuss what drive your Organization to meet the Customer Requirements and Quality Standards as well as how Quality is measured in Meeting the Customer Requirements in General.

Marks and Spencer has been regarded as one of the most recognisable brand names in the world. In UK, the company has the reputation of being the most trusted retailer which is what makes to maintain its high quality. These exemplary remarks given to Marks and Spencer are only part of the big picture. Indeed, the desire of the company to become the leader in the industry has transformed the organisation differently. Its products are always associated with of high quality. Also, the intense competition has also made Marks and Spencer to maintain high class quality of garments. The company has always been involved in diversification; it has introduced ranges which are known as the Autograph Collection, Autograph Weekend Collection, Plus Collection, Petite Collection, Limited Collection, Limited Collection Maternity, Per Una, Classic Collection, and Per Una Petite, Bridal and Long & Tall. Marks and Spencer's garment products have a name in the market for their excellent quality, reliability, different styles, and variety (Bevan, 2007). The main quality of Marks and Spencer's has been that they have never compromised on these important factors since the time they came into existence. They design their products in accordance to the demands, needs and preferences of their core customers. It serves distinguished products to its core customers as well as its new customers. A particular brand which profited the company more than its other brands is Per Una. Per Una was launched by the company in the year of 2001. The mission to remain the

An important element of this company is that they are able to manage their supply chain in fair terms, i.e. they don’t believe in cheating their customers or any other factors associated with them. The company has a limited number of suppliers and they work closely with them which help them to achieve their organizational goals. Marks and Spencer follow a definite business strategy in order to achieve its quality standards. At the very beginning of a season the company calls for a strategy meeting in which all its suppliers are given the opportunity to discuss and give their point of view about their expectations with the company regarding the areas of business that the company would like to grow itself (Douglas & Judge, 2001). This then enables Marks & Spencer’s management team to give its suppliers a realistic analysis of the areas where they would like to develop themselves. All the suppliers have to coordinate with Marks & Spencer’s business strategy so as to provide the company with the highest quality of products. Marks & Spencer’s has only one important objective and that is to meet the expectations of its customers and for that they have a few strategies and they are, to develop new styles of products, innovate with their designs so that no design is the same, manufacture new and innovate product range, endorse popular celebrities for their product ranges so that the customers faith is always maintained, etc. (Stevenson & Hojati, 2007).

            In order to keep better customer customer serviceit is very important for a company to measure the quality of its products. Thus a business needs to establish certain key measures in order to know how well it is doing in the field of quality. The companies can measure the quality of its products by keeping a track of many times do customers buy the products from their company which is also known as repeat business. Companies can also ask the customers to complete surveys about the quality of their products and services. Whenever the same customer visits the store again one of the staff representatives can ask him or her if their expectations regarding the company’s products and services are being met or not. If they say it is not being met then try finding out why they feel so and what kind of improvements can the company make so as to fulfill their expectations (Mellahi, Jackson & Sparks, 2002). The companies can even use more measurement techniques like reviews and inspections of their products and services.

Task 2

Identify and Evaluate the Application of Quality Systems and Scheme for a Business or Service Organization of your Choice. Discuss how such Systems can lead to Customer Satisfaction, Continuous improvement add value to the product or service delivery.

A quality management system is a system in which the businesses are focused on achieving maximum quality policy and the quality objectives that a customer looks for while buying any good or service from the company. Quality management system is thus said to be the various organizational structure, organizational policies, procedures and resources that are needed by the companies in order to implement quality management. Quality Management Systems scheme helps the organizations in meeting the quality requirements of the customers while also increasing their satisfaction level. The companies are also able to make improvements in their performance by following such procedures. Earlier the companies used systems like simple statistics and random sampling by which they were able to emphasize on results which were otherwise also predictable to the company. But when by the 20th century the scenario had changed and the cost of labour inputs had become costly then the companies’ focus shifted to making improvements in quality of the products (Hendricks & Singhal, 2001). The ISO 9000 quality standard is probably the most widely implemented and accepted worldwide by all organizations.

Use the Input-Output Model to examine the Operating System of your Organization and Compare the various Quality Systems such as the ISO 9000, EN 2900 etc.

 The operations management in an organization transforms the inputs i.e. the labour, capital, machinery, buildings, materials of an organization into various outputs known as the goods and services that give value to the customers. The figure below summarizes the input and the output process. The arrow labelled “Transformation System” is an important element in the model that determines how efficiently the organization is able to produce goods and services as per the expectations of the customers.

Marks and Spencer’s uses its various inputs in order to produce high level of products. Its inputs include labour, machinery, fabrics, threads, cloth and various other components to produce high-end garments. All the inputs required by the company are of various categories by which they are able to produce innovative garments. All these inputs are received by the company from its specialized suppliers which have their own factories which produce the inputs. The final product is then delivered to the whole sellers and retailers which then make it available to the customers in the market.

The various Quality systems established are as follows.

  1. ISO 9000 is a series of standards that defines, establishes, and helps the organization in maintaining an effective quality system that assures its customers of its high standards. ISO 9000 thus deals with the basic fundamentals of the quality of the organizations management systems.
  2. ISO 9001 is a kind of quality standard which can be used by any organization. Against this standard a company can achieve registration of any service with the help of a qualified third party audit. ISO 9001 is mainly focused on taking care of the customer satisfaction with bringing about use and continuous improvement in quality planning and objectives (Gustafsson, Johnson & Roos, 2005). To achieve this type of standard the organization requires utilizing a process approach in order to achieve its goals.
  3. ISO 9004 work is to provide guidelines to the organizations so that they are able to improve their performances. Its principles are similar to that of ISO 9001. This standard provides guidance to the companies on how to apply quality management in their organization and what kind of processes does the quality management systems should encircle. Its major goal is to assist the organization in establishing and improving the levels of its quality management system so as to increase its performance.
  1. ISO 14001 is on the other hand an environmental management system standard that has been developed in order to improve the business environmental performance of the industry. This standard uses an approach which is to plan, implement, check and review so as to increase the environmental management of the company (Van den Heuvel, Koning, Bogers, Berg & van Dijen, 2005).
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Task 3

Assess the Role of Communication and the Various Communication methods that can be used in developing a quality system, including Standards for Quality Control. You should also examine the Role of Customer Satisfaction Surveys and Complaint Resolution Process as Related to your Organization.

Effective communication is the most important element in an organization. It is like a life wire for any kind of an organization. If this instrument is properly used by the management of an organization then it serves many purposes of an organization like it improves the job performance of an employee and thus helps him in increasing his motivational level. This then leads to an increase in productivity of the organization and when this element increases then the quality standards of the products of the organization also increases. If the employee is able to communicate properly with his subordinates then he will be able to make them understand the organizational goals in a better way. Thus when the information is communicated properly then it becomes easy for people to follow the guidelines and thus helps them to produce better results in terms of production. A retailing business thus can flourish when its products are of high quality. In order to maintain high level of quality standards and thus to keep that standard in control communication is very important. For an efficient organization it is necessary that all the people of the organization must be able to convey their message in an effective manner. The human resources officers are of the view that if the workers of an organization knew what they had to do and are made aware of the company’s objectives and on top of it if there is a regular feedback based on their performance then the organization’s productivity and quality standards will improve.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys and Complaint Resolution Processes are important for Marks and Spencer’s in the following ways.

  1. Identification- Customer feedback is essential for M&S as it allows it to understand as to how do the customers rate and how often do they wear their products as compared to other brands. It is important for the company to determine where its products and services are lacking and where are they doing well. It will help the company in identifying which other brands are the customers preferring and thus who all are their rivals in the market.
  2. Significance- Customer feedback is the most important element for M&S when it needs to determine the needs and tastes of the customers. This is will be mainly important for M&S when it manufactures a new range of garments as it will help them to know whether their innovation has been accepted positively by the customers or not. Customer feedback will help the company in determining what the most important factor is for customers in terms of their expectations from M&S. Without the customers feedback it will not be possible for the company to meet the product needs of the consumer and thus it can be that its products might fail in the market.
  3. Function- Customer feedback can thus help in evaluating as to how the company’s employees treat their customers. M&S can thus determine through the surveys and Complaint Resolution forms whether its customers queries are being solved or not and if their questions are being answered and the problems being resolved or not. It can determine the behaviour of its employees towards its customers and how politely do they handle them (Mittal & Kamakura, 2001).
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Task 4

Examine the Principles of Quality Management such as Self-Assessment, Communication and Record Keeping, Staff Consultation as well as Service Improvement. Assess the Criteria for Quality Standards, Service Improvement Policies and Complaints handling in general.

The Principles of Quality Management are as follows-

  1. Staff Consultation- Staff of a company at all levels is the most important element of any organization. Their full involvement in the organizational process enables the company to use their efficiency for the benefit of the organization. The management should thus understand the importance of the role and their contribution in the organization. The management should make sure that the staffs are able to accept ownership of their responsibility and thus involve in achieving organizations goals. The management should make sure that they consult their staff members when making any kind of change in the organization, this will make them feel that they are a part of the company and thus will give their best output.
  2. Self-Assessment- Continuous improvement in the organization’s performance should be the primary objective of any organization. For this the management needs to employ such methods by which they are able to do a self-assessment. They should provide its people with certain training methods and tools which can thus help them in improving themselves. Self-assessment allows the company to judge and measure its management process and thus make changes accordingly.
  3. Record Keeping- This is an essential part of any management process and thus should exist for all organizations. If the records of the management are not maintained properly then it might hamper its performance in the future as they will not have the data to refer to regarding their drawbacks and other important information. Good documentation practice is an important aspect for any organization. Correct, complete and consistent information is very important in effectively meeting the customers and stakeholders requirements.
  4. Communication- Communication is an all-time important factor for all the organizations. It leads to the success of an organization.

Quality standards, Service Improvement Policies and Complaints handling are all important for an organization. Quality standards help the companies to maintain a high level of products in the market, improvement in service helps them in attaining the old customers and gaining new ones. Complaints handling is the way by which they can satisfy their current customers and make them their loyal ones. Any company should take proper care of all these factors if they plan to achieve success in market (Dale, Van Der Wiele & Van Iwaarden, 2013).

Quality Management in Business Assignment Help

Identify and discuss the Quality Systems and Processes and how they impact on the Overall Performance of your chosen Organization.

Quality Systems and processes are an approach by which M&S is able to continuously improve the quality of its goods and services. Improved products, communication, innovative manufacturing processes, the goods and services are delivered to the customers through various levels and these levels thus require the participation of many individuals at all levels. It has been studied by researchers that a positive impact of these two elements has had an organizational performance of M&S. An improved employee participation in the organizational production and an increase in his morale is a result of improved quality system and processes. M&S has also seen an improvement in products and service quality system which has thus resulted in reduced errors and increased customer satisfaction. All this has led to increased profitability and financial performance of the company. M&S has been able to improve its performance as compared to its rivals with the implementation of quality systems and processes. The quality system has resulted in improvement in performance level of the employees, this has happened by interacting with the employees at one to one level. Improvements in quality systems have helped the company in overcoming various organizational obstacles and barriers which was hampering its performance (Kaynak, 2003). Thus the quality systems and processes have had a positive impact on the work performance of all the employees at all levels. It has resulted in innovation performance for both the products and services of Marks and Spencer and thus made it a leader in its industry.


Stevenson, W. J., & Hojati, M. (2007). Operations management (Vol. 8). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Kaynak, H. (2003). The relationship between total quality management practices and their effects on firm performance. Journal of operations management, 21(4), pp.405-435. Dale, B. G., Van Der Wiele, T., & Van Iwaarden, J. (2013). Managing quality. John Wiley & Sons. Mittal, V., & Kamakura, W. A. (2001). Satisfaction, repurchase intent, and repurchase behaviour: investigating the moderating effect of customer characteristics. Journal of marketing research, 38(1), pp.131-142.

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