Hamilton College Unit4 Personal and Professional Development

This is solution of Hamilton college personal and professional Development Assignment which is related to HND Health and Social Care Course.

Task 1

1.1 Compare personal values and principles with the principles of support for working in health and social care

Health and social care is one of the biggest sectors and it is seeing rapid change. Government has introduced new initiatives for the development of this sector and for making it very high profile. This sector encourages everyone to live health life and to prevent themselves from illness. It gives very personal satisfaction to the employees working in this field. Helping someone or curing someone is the best service we can provide to anyone. This sector consists of organizations from both public and private sector. Hospitals, nursing homes, dental practices etc. are part of this sector (Petrova, 2006).

Working in a health care sector is not an easy task. You need to very strong physically and emotionally. Workers should be able to handle stress to work in this type of environment. Personal values and principles of workers are very important in this sector. This sector deals with the health and lives of individuals and workers need to be very ethical. A small mistake can take someone’s life. Personal values of all the workers can be different from each other and they can also be different with the values of support in health and social care sector. Personal values include your religious or cultural beliefs and it is not that all the workers will be having the same religion or culture. Principles of support always say that each and every patient should be considered and treated equally. There should not be any discrimination on the basis of religion or culture. People come under pressure of earning more money and deviates from their values and principles. Principles of support teach workers to stay away from all these illusions. Doctors or nurses take a hypocrite oath according to which saving a patient is their responsibility and it is above all the other responsibilities. Sometimes doctors and nurses have to forget their personal lives to work for the patients. We know a legendary woman named Mother Teresa who has spent her entire life in serving the poor people. She has always given priority to delivering the best services to the patients. She did not marry and she knew that marriage will not allow her to focus on the path she is following. Husband and children becomes priority after marriage. Principle of support also believes in respecting each and every one equally irrespective of their caste, race or religion.

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1.2 Assess how personal culture and experience influence own role in supporting users of services and others in health and social care settings

Personal culture and experience in life plays a very important role in deciding the attitude of the doctor, nurse or any other worker in health and social care sector. The way a person has been treated or taught in his past life always gets reflected in his personal life. Upbringing of any individual decides his attitude towards everyone. If the doctor or nurse has been stayed in a very cordial, friendly and helpful environment they will always be very helpful and caring towards their patient. Culture and experiences also includes the family of any individual. Nature of your parents will reflect in you. Parents should always teach their children to be helpful and caring towards everyone in the society. Belief and ethnicity are also part of our culture (Scott, 2003). Workers in health and social care sector should also believe that all the patients are equal and they should not prioritize or discriminate on the basis of religion or money. We have also seen that hospitals have become like any other industries where the main motive is to earn as much money as possible. But in health and social care sector the main objective should be to serve people and care them. And this can come from the culture and experience of the workers. Education also decides on the behaviour of workers towards the patients. Education definitely affects our role in supporting users of health and social care sector. Education system should focus more on developing values and principles which are beneficial for all the users of this sector. Even the sweeper of the hospital should be given equal respect. Lifetime events also make our experience and our past experience can be seen in our behaviour towards the patients in social and health care sector.

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1.3 Discuss how new developments and changes to personal values can impact on work in health and social care

As we have seen that how the personal values and principles affect the workers attitude towards the patient. So there is a great need of developing and changing the values of all the workers towards their patients. Training should be given all the new joiners to change their attitude, values and principles. Training should focus on respect and equality to every patient and all the other workers in the sector. Ethical behaviour needs to be taught to everyone. This training will be very helpful for the betterment of the patients and also for the reputation of the organization.

Everyone carries his attitude because of his culture and past experience. This has made people judgmental towards particular person. For e.g. a person who thinks that a person who speaks less is always good and caring and he might generalize this thing for everyone. This stereotype thinking of the social and healthcare workers need to be changed and developed. This will generate a very good environment in the organization. New developments can be done by introducing new legislations and laws. For e.g. there should be a strict law and punishment for any kind discrimination in the sector. All the patients should be given equal opportunity to get treated in a best way. Even each organization should treat some poor people free. All the workers should respect each other’s values and principles. Principles of good practice need to be implemented in any organization which is working in this sector. This change and development can be done internally and by the will power of the workers in the health and social care sector.

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Task 2

2.1 Assess Current Skills ability and learning style

I am considering myself as a practitioner in social and healthcare sector and in this task I will develop a professional development plan for myself. To develop a plan first I need to know my abilities or strengths and areas where I need to improve. This can be done with the help of SWOT analysis (Filkins, 2003):


  • I have very good experience in this field. During my study I did training in one of the reputed organizations in this sector.
  • I have very good knowledge of my subject. I was among the top ten students in the course.
  • I have qualities to work in a team. I always try to understand the concerns of my team members.
  • I have strong values and principles.


  • I never worked as a leader. Lack of leadership qualities is one of the biggest weaknesses in me.
  • My communication skills are not that strong. Communication skills are very important in any service sector and especially in health and social care sector.
  • I usually get nervous after watching the worse condition of any patient.


  • Social and health care sector is huge and it is growing at much faster rate. Even the government is encouraging this sector and adding new initiatives from improvement in this sector. So there is very good opportunity of joining a reputed organization and grow in my career.
  • There is an opportunity of helping people by providing health and social care services.


  • Services in this sector need to be very perfect as lives of the patient are at stake. There is a risk of losing someone’s life by doing a small mistake. It can destroy my whole career.
  • Changes in the rules and regulations imposed by the government on social and health care sector.
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2.2 Produce a holistic development plan with short medium and long term goals

As I have already discussed my strengths and weaknesses. Now in this I will develop a plan for my development as a professional. My plan will focus on my weaknesses and will set up short medium and long term goals for myself. There are four learning styles given by Honey and Mumford (Honey, 2003). Four learning styles are activist, theorist, pragmatist and reflector. I will follow activist learning style for the development of my career. By following activist learning style I can learn while working. I need to work under an experienced professional in the social and health care sector. I need to be proactive and take extra responsibilities. It will also give me opportunity to take part in role plays, competitions, brain storming etc. Problem solving techniques can be developed by following this learning style. It gives an opportunity to learn the team building and leadership qualities. I will also be able to improve my communication skills which are one of my weaknesses.

My short term goal is to join one of the reputed organizations where I can get more learning opportunities. My short term goals also include getting rid of my two weaknesses which are communication skills and nervousness. I will attend training sessions and courses on communication skills. In my work environment also I will learn from my seniors. Meditation and stress relieving activities will help me in being more confident in my profession. I will try to speak more in public. It will improve my communication skills and also help me in getting rid of nervousness. Leadership qualities are not easy to gain and I will put it in my long term goals. I would try to be at a senior position after five or seven years in an organization with a team working under me. This will give me an opportunity to be a very good leader.

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2.3 Monitor progress against the plan according to the requirements of a social and health care practitioner and revise the plan as required

Monitoring and reviewing the performance is very important to achieve your goals. In most of the organizations we have performance appraisal system in which we set or goals and targets for next six months and one year. We also set up the paths to achieve these goals like attending training sessions or meeting with different types of patients. This performance is reviewed by the seniors at the end of the period and then on the basis of our performance our goals or development plans are modified. For e.g. if I am not able to be good in my communication skills after one year period then next year I will have to attend more sessions on communication skills. It means my goals will be increased and I have to work hard. Progress can also be monitored by dividing my goals into smaller sub sections and set up goals for every week and at the end of the week I will analyse my performance in the last week and set up new goals for the next week. I will prepare a checklist and where I will mark if I was successful in achieving my goals in last week.

2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the development plan to own development as a social and health care practitioner

Development plan is very important and effective for improving your performance in any field. Effectiveness can be evaluated by considering all the stakeholders like doctors, patients, other staff members etc. I will take their suggestions in developing the plan and in evaluating the effectiveness of the plan. We also need to find out some qualitative measures which can be used to measure the performance after implementing the development plan.  These outcome measures should be valid, reliable and aligned to the goals and targets in the development plan. During the process I need to take steps to make sure that results are according to the planning. All these steps and initiatives will definitely help in my development as a practitioner in social and health care sector. My improvement will get reflected in the performance of the organization also in the satisfaction level of the patients.

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Task 3

3.1 Explain the nature of different professional relationships in health and social care contexts

In social and health care sector relationships are very important. Health and social care sector does not only include doctors but there are other extraordinary staff members which are there to provide best available services. These doctors cannot only take care of their patients. They need to have nurses, clerks, and sweepers etc. to do their jobs efficiently in social and health care sector. Other members of the support staff are team of nurses, orderlies, management team and staff to take care of cleanliness. All the staff members have to coordinate with each other and have a strong relationship with each to run the hospitals smoothly. Each and every member should know his roles and responsibilities and work together for a common goal. The common goal is the customer satisfaction. Some of the important professional relationships in social and health care sector are as follows:

Between the doctors:

In a hospital we can find out various types of doctors. There will be physicians, dentists and heart specialists. All the specialists need to have respect for each other and there should be not any feeling of jealousy or competition. When a new patient comes he will first go to the general physician and if physician found something related to heart or and other body he will refer the patient to that doctor. So if there is some feeling of competition and jealously he may mislead the patient and an innocent patient will suffer. They all have to put the patient on priority list and they should not involve in any kind of unethical practices.

Between Doctors and Nurses:

Nurses are like backbone to the doctors. Doctors’ efficiency increases with the help of an efficient nurse. Doctor can see more patients if he has got a talented nurse. Nurses have to take care of the routine of the patients like which medicine to give at what time. In case of emergency they also have knowledge of this field and they can take the necessary actions. Doctors and nurses have to respect each other because they are dependent on each other. Doctors have to give respect, acknowledge and praise the work done by the nurses.

Between Doctors/Nurses and support staff:

Support staff is very important for the proper and smooth functioning of things in hospital. All the sweepers, clerks and orderlies are included in the support staff. Orderlies are there to keep the environment clean so they should get equal respect as compared to any other staff member in the organization.

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3.2 Evaluate personal effectiveness in promoting and supporting the rights of the individual

Making use of your talents and abilities to achieve some objective or goal is called personal effectiveness (Liberman, 1975). A person’s personal qualities and external environment works together to make the whole organization effective. In this case we are talking about supporting the rights of the individual. In social and health care sector rights of the patients and the orderlies like sweepers who take care of cleanliness in the hospital should be taken care. Personal effectiveness can be used to support these individuals. Personal effectiveness can be used to generate confidence in yourself and also in the individuals around you.

We need to understand the factors which motivate and inspire us to work hard. The most important thing is the respect. All the patients and support staff workers should be given proper respect so that they do not feel inferior while working. All the individuals have rights to be equal to everyone. By giving respect we can preserve their rights. Money is the other motivator. All the employees should be given decent salary to run their homes. Government has laws according to which there will be a minimum which has to be paid for a particular job level.

As the name of the sector has word “Care” in it. This care is not only applicable to the patients but all the staff members should also be given proper care. Their health should be given preference. They should get proper time to spend with their families and for rest. Al the above points will surely help in promoting and supporting the rights of the individual in social and health care sector.

3.3 Discuss ways to resolve issues encountered in professional relationships

Wherever we have more people there are chances of conflicts but the most important thing is to resolve the conflicts (Lin, 1998). Conflicts arise when there are confusion in the roles and responsibilities. There will be a hierarchy in an organization and senior will give orders to juniors. Seniors have to be polite and juniors have to understand their roles and responsibilities to avoid any issues in the work environment. Below are some of the ways which can be used to avoid conflicts in work environment.

Proper Communication Channels:

Lack of communication is the major reason behind the conflicts. Communication to share the information is very important. There needs to be proper channel of communication to share the information and whenever there is any conflict for e.g. between the two nurses, doctors or anyone senior should make them communicate with each other and get onto a solution to the problem.

Training of the staff members:

Employees should be trained properly regarding their jobs. In their training itself their roles and responsibilities should be made clear so that in future there should not be any conflicts on the name of roles and duties. If everyone performs his roles then there will not be any scope for the conflicts. There should also be some training sessions to show the importance of respecting each other and avoiding any conflicts.

Committees to take disciplinary actions:

There needs to be committees in any hospital to finally resolve the conflict between two parties. They are the last option. If the two parties are not able to solve their issue themselves then disciplinary committee has to interfere and come up with a solution which is good for both the parties.


In this case a third party comes into picture to solve the conflicts of two parties. These mediators can be internal or from the outside also. Advocates can also be used for this purpose. It is one of the best ways to resolve the disputes. Both the parties are allowed to present their points and case in front of the mediator. The mediator should be respected by both the parties and his decision should be accepted by everyone.

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Task 4

4.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of personal contributions when working with others in health and social care practice

Personal contributions are very important for the well-functioning of the entire team. Personal contributions can modify the entire team with whom we work in health and social care sector (Borrill, 2004). Below are some of the personal contributions which are very important:

  • Personal values and experiences of a person are very important. These values and principles decide the attitude of a person towards the other team members. Interests and hobbies of the person can create a friendly environment in the team.
  • Culture and past of the person also shapes the environment in a team. Education, family and upbringing of the person get reflected in the teams’ performance. Good education and upbringing teach us to treat everyone with respect and equally.
  • Person can also contribute by teaching others without the feeling of jealously or competition. If we have some knowledge in specific field we need to teach other team members also to make them effective. This will reflect your leadership qualities.
  • We also need to be helpful to the team members. Even if some is facing a personal problem everyone in the team should come forward and contribute in solving his issues. Work wise also everyone should help each other. If someone is absent on a day other person should take his responsibilities for that day.
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4.2 Explain how the limits of own work role impacts on work with others

Everyone has some roles and responsibilities defined in the organization and there are some limits to these roles. For e.g. only the chief medical officer will be able to have access to the confidential data of the hospital. All the other employees like doctors or nurses do not have access to that information. Let us suppose in case of emergency we need that information and that is also urgent. A patient’s life depends upon that information about the medical procedure. Chief Medical officer is not available on that day. It may create disturbance in the hospital and among the team members. We need to call the officer and try to get the information and it will take time. This way limit to you job role affects the work in the organization. Patients will lose their confidence among the doctors and nurses. Limits on the work role create dependency on each other. A sweeper role will not be played by the doctor or a sweeper will not be able to play the role of a doctor. Hence all the employees in an organization are like a team. Each one should be dedicated to their jobs and duties. They should work together towards the common goal and this way we can surpass the limits of our work role. All the functions and departments in the organization will run smoothly.

4.3 Analyse own role in minimizing barriers to effective teamwork in health and social care practice

We will definitely face some barriers while working in a team. I will handle these barriers and will play a significant role in minimizing these roles. Some of the steps which can be taken are as follows:

Better communication channels: When the required information is not shared then we face barriers in the functioning of a team. A proper communication channel should be set up in the organization. There should be proper ways for all three types of communication. The three types are upward, downward and horizontal communication.

Knowing each other personally: Knowing your team member personally also helps in working in a very efficient way. We can know the strengths and weaknesses of our team partners. Working with someone new takes time to adjust. If we know someone personally we will take responsibilities in his absence and this will be helpful in better service to the patients (Mickan, 2005).

Fun Activities: Human resource department of an organization should organize some fun activities in the organization. In this way employees will be able to know each other and they will also feel fresh. It will increase the efficiency of the team members also of the entire team.

Training all the employees about the roles and responsibilities will also help in minimizing the barriers in team work.

4.4 Discuss how to improve personal contributions to the collective effectiveness of a team.

For the effectiveness of a team each and every member has to contribute in some way (Lemieux-Charles, 2006). As we have already discussed that personal contributes can shape the entire team thus I will suggest some of the following ways by which each and every one can contribute in the effective of a team:

No Discrimination : All the team members will be from different religion, caste, race, age, sex etc. Everyone has to respect each other’s personal lives and there should not be any discrimination towards anyone.

Proactive actions : Each and every one should take proactive actions to complete their roles and responsibilities. Sometimes job of one team member depends on the job of other. So we should finish our task on time so that other person can also proceed and the whole task can be finished in the give time.

Motivating each other : Job in this sector is not easy. Employees have to go through many emotional issues and it may lead to stress. So all the team members should become each other’s support and motivate each other to perform better.


Borrill, C., West, M., Shapiro, D., & Rees, A. 2000. Team working and effectiveness in health care. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 6(8), 364-371. Filkins, J. 2003. Nurse directors' jobs–a European perspective. Journal of nursing management, 11(1), 44-47. Honey, P., & Mumford, A. 2000. The learning styles helper's guide. Maidenhead, Berkshire: Peter Honey. Lemieux-Charles, L., & McGuire, W. L. 2006. What do we know about health care team effectiveness? A review of the literature. Medical Care Research and Review, 63(3), 263-300. Liberman, R. P. 1975. Personal effectiveness. Lin, X., & Germain, R. 1998. Sustaining satisfactory joint venture relationships: The role of conflict resolution strategy. Journal of International Business Studies, 179-196.

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