Corporate Business Assignment Brief for Term 2 students
This is an individual assignment and will be assessed by means of a 6,000 word research project proposal report and a 1,000 word reflective diary and learning journal. This Corporate Business Assignment brief explains exactly what is required and how the assignment will be marked. The assignment has been designed to allow you to develop and use your knowledge and skills of research methods relating to a topic of your choice. You will be required to apply academic research skills, critical thinking and analytical techniques studied in this module. You must also submit an electronic version of the report to TURNITIN.
- The reflective diary and learning journal is due in Week 10. This is worth 15% of the available marks for the module this term.
- The research project proposal report is due in Week 11. This is worth 85% of the available marks for the module this term.
All work must adhere to the University regulations on cheating, collusion and plagiarism which are provided in your Programme Handbook. Plagiarism - the wilful representation of another person’s work, without the acknowledgement or the deliberate and unacknowledged incorporation in a student’s work of material derived from the work (published or otherwise) of another - is UNACCEPTABLE and will be subject to the University’s disciplinary regulations.
Format and content of the report
The required elements of the report are set out in the diagram below, along with an indication of the length of the respective sections. There is no need for a contents list for the report.
The research project proposal report contributes 85% of the total marks available for this module. In terms of the quality of the work, your report will be marked using the assessment criteria at Annex 1. In terms of the importance of each section, the maximum mark available for each section is:
- Introduction – 15%
- Literature Review – 40%
- Method Justification – 10%
- Method Explanation – 25%
- Presentation – 10%
Corporate social responsibility is a conception of management in which organizations integrates environmental and social concern in their business processes, also their interaction with the stakeholder. The six responsibilities of CSR for their business development are such as legal, economical, moral, humanitarian, environmental protection and supporting employee responsibilities. The study analyze the attitude, impact of CSR on buying behavior of customer and the impact of attitude on buying behavior of customers. The study also provides the information about Mark and Spencer Company which is the biggest retail organization in UK. Initiatives that are organize by Mark and Spencer to support activities of CSR and the awards that are obtained by the company in their business. The aim of the study is to assess to what extent Marks and Spencer corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities are known about by their customers and reflect key influence their attitudes towards the company and their shopping behavior. The investigation also has the evaluation of research methodology in which it provides the information about the research approach, types of research and two types of data collection named as primary and secondary data collection. The study also gives the knowledge of sampling methods, data analysis and ethical consideration of the subject and limitation of the study for the CSR activities.
Research Background
According to the ethical studies it is clear that customers are highly caring about the moral dimension of the service, product and business procedure. All of this concern may have positive economic impact for the business included if the organization maintains it finely. Even though management of academics and business have participated in various types of discussion about the social accountability of the business, there has been short research on the attitude of common public towards the social problems (Verboven, 2011). The study of CSR has been the thing of many investigations in the current decades. CSR is defined as the activities of company and status which is related to its requirements towards its stakeholders and communities at large. The major purpose behind CSR is the enormous future profits that company gains when they are recognized as they are socially responsible through their stakeholders. The customers and stakeholders groups deserve special concentration as CSR activities have an essential influence on outcomes that are related to the consumers (Pedersen, 2010). The CSR has a very essential for Mark and Spencer to making a positive attitude in the customers and it leads to buying behavior of consumers. So, the company utilizes this to develop the sales in the marketplace which is profitable for their business.