Introduction: - Communication is defined as a process through which information in the form of message is transmitted from one person (sender) to another person (receiver), via medium like letter, speech or technology. This communication process is regarded as effective or ineffective in relevance to the receiver understanding, i.e. in case the receiver understands the message the same way as sender wants him to understand the communication process is effective and vice versa.
Body: - Communication as a process has various roadblocks or barriers some of them are: (FIELDING, Michael, 2006)
- Encoding Barriers: - A series of functions bringing about a result and putting them together into an orderly functional symbol s so as to represent a message requires great skill and knowledge. The below-listed obstacles can interfere with the message which is capable of producing a result.
- Lack of Sensitivity to Receiver: - The act or process of failing to function or continue in the communication may result when a message has not been adapted by its receiver. Recognizing the needs of the receiver, his language skills, subject knowledge and his status assist the sender in preparing a successful message.
- Lack of Basic Communication Skills: - The receiver will not understand the message if the sender has trouble in selecting the correct words required and then arranging those words insufficient
- Knowledge of the Subject: - If the sender does not have enough knowledge about something, the receiver will definitely not get a clear message. While shopping for an electronic item, we see that some salesmen can explain very complicated terms also while Others cannot.
- Information Overload: - If the message has too much information, it may tend to become a barrier as the amount of information coming is too large which causes difficulty in interpreting the correct meaning of the message.
- Emotional Interference: - An individual who is emotional can never sell well as he cannot communicate properly. If a person is angry, resentful, fearful, joyful or hostile, he may be too much occupied with his emotions to receive the message.
- Transmitting Barriers: - Things which get in the way of transmission of message are called noise. Noise causes difficulty in communication and some other problems which are discussed below-
- Physical Distractions: - Communication can be destroyed by a defective cellular phone or a noisy market place. If an e-mail or any other letter is not written properly and contains a lot grammatical or spelling mistakes, the receiver will not be able to concentrate on the subject rather he will find it difficult to understand the meaning of it.
- Conflicting Messages: - Messages that create a conflict in the sender’s perception for the receiver results in a communication that in incomplete.
- Channel Barriers: - An inappropriate selection of modes of channel also causes difficulty in communication. For example, detailed information on the telephone may become frustrating for both sender and receiver.
Consequences of Ineffective Communication (KRIZAN, A.C. et al., 2010)
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The result of the communication system that is not so effective is that the employees become so wavering and irresolute to work with their manager that they also sometimes argue with their managers and with their inputs and opinions. They start filing more and more complaints and keep their managers uninformed and also avoid talking to them. Employees put their best efforts to hide their quality or condition of being deficient. They stop taking responsibilities. The poor communication skills result in the mismanagement in handling the important projects.
Conclusion: - Communication process has various barriers and if the communication process overcomes these barriers then only it is said to be effective else the process is ineffective and in case the process is ineffective there are various consequences to ineffective communication as well. Also to add here communication can be defined and understood as a different stream in different cases but their effectiveness and efficiency of communication and its process has to be more or less same or even much higher than the earlier case. Also communication is further highlighted in this project, main heads under this assignment is business communication, which is a link between any business and its customers, suppliers or others parties in a business normal context.
Happy Apparel Divine Building, Stanley Market Vancouver, Canada 9102
7th July 2013
Mr.XYZ House No.56, ABC Lane Vancouver, Canada 9101 Dear Mr. XYZ,Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience you may have experienced in respect to the unsatisfactory behavior of one of our front line staff. Your comments regarding the services you have received at our store is very valuable and precious for us. I, on behalf on my organization would love to thank you for giving us feedback on our services, the feedback given would be considered as a point of differentiation and I promise you we would look deeply into your complaint and work or services you better next time.
At Happy Apparel, we take pride in ensuring the satisfaction of our customers first. Unfortunately, we did not meet your expectations for which we express our deepest apologies. I would kindly request you to mail me further details of the incident with the day and date. We will sure be questioning our staff and will take appropriate action. With our strive for perfection , we have taken steps to make sure that this will never happen again by creating training sessions for our employees and changing of the staff . And the next time you visit our store, please do ask for me. I will personally give you a special treatment that you deserve.
We at Happy Apparel also take pride and give an extra care when a customer complaints and gives a feedback which is negative for us. We would work in three given criterion and will ensure a solution to your problem as soon as possible.
Thank you for reporting this incident. We deeply value your relationship with our Company and are committed to providing you with the highest level of service simply because our customers deserve the very best.
Yours in service, LMN, Store Manager Happy Apparel
The letter written above is a business apology letter basically which is drafted towards the customer from the manager’s side to show an apology in not understanding the point made and elaborated by the customer in the earlier letter written to the management. The manager thus writes a letter to there to the customer on behalf of the manager to elaborate and make the point of view of the customer more clearly in the eyes of the manager and the management of the business as a whole. The reasons behind writing a letter and replying to the customer this way are:-
- A business apology letter should be written using a very polite language. This will make a great impact on the offended party. As the party would feel that the business at least cares about the customer, thus it would give “a feel good experience” to the customer. And thus chances of customer being loyal one would increase, thus it would have both long and short term effect on both business and customer front.
- Secondly as a written letter would be sent thus, this could also serve as a proof for future reference, in case the customer says or complains that his complain was not heard or responded, the manager can show the drafted proof and thus the letter will also serve as a point of reference for all future events and happenings.
- Thirdly a well drafted letter would give the impression of the organization being professional in its approach to work, thus this would also give a better image of the business in the eyes of its customers,
- As the case itself gives, the problem that the customer is facing is not understood by the manager, thus when the customer will receive a letter he would also reply through the letter and thus the problem which the customer is facing would be understood at length and thus actions could be taken after deep understanding of the problem as well. Also the management can also make it out through such complaints raised by the customer that what exactly is going wrong on the customer front and the question regarding where does the management need to work upon will be answered which will be an extra advantage to both to the organization and to the customer as a whole.
- The letter will also give both the customer and the manager a defined platform to communicate and thus communication between both the parties will be effective and well understood. To further add here both the parties can also use the letter as a further source of communication and link between them.
- Finally another reason to put this letter forward is that that the customer and business both will benefit from it as the business will use this letter to elaborate on the point of view of customer satisfaction and customer care and to also show how much does it care for the customer who is the whole and sole of business in today’s competitive world.
The customer will benefit from the letter as the customer on an individual front will have the letter and a written apology from the organization and also the letter from the manager or the management will further empower the customer.
FIELDING, Michael. 2006. Effective Communication in Organisations. Cape Town: Juta and Company Ltd. KRIZAN, A.C., Patricia MERRIER, Joyce P. LOGAN, and Karen Schneiter WILLIAMS. 2010. Business Communication. USA: Cengage Learning.For more business academic and personal development Assignment click on order below.