Unit 6 Business Dec…
Introduction Decision making is necessary for eve…
The company is an artificial person, created under the law. A company has a separate and distinct legal entity from its member. The company is an artificial person. It has no physical existence or body. So, it cannot be touched or seen. But it is a …
Routing is the purpose of the pathway of movement of raw materials through various machines and operations from the beginning of the manufacturing process to the completion of product in its finished form. It is laying out the sequence of machines, …
The financial planning means different things to different managers, depending on the nature of the business, the firm's size, and so on. In a narrow sense, financial planning is estimating the capital needs of a firm and determining its capital…
The growth of completion and the increasing importance of packaging and advertising have made branding necessary for marketing. The practice of selling goods under a brand name brings advantages to manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers…
A marketing function is a specialized activity performed in delivering the goods and services that consumer’s need. In other words, marketing functions are the activities that bridge the distance, time and possession gaps in an exchange relati…
Education is one of the most important sectors for any economy. The country’s youth education will decide how the economy of that country will flourish. Education develops vision, understanding, creativity, and productivity of people which hel…
The mental health issue can begin in very young students or arise later with teenagers. Frequently mental health problems can reason difficulty for students with learning, playing, behavior, speaking and emotional control of a student’s whole …
After putting in the hard work necessary to get a college degree, it is time to discover a job that will make all those hours pay off. It can be frightening to start your first job after completing college. Having excellent educational skills, you a…
Production control involves implementing the production plans in accordance with the planned schedules by coordinating different activities. It seeks to ensure that production operation occurs to planned operations. It directs and checks the course …
Reading skills allows students to build or develop their strong foundation, but the higher or seniors teachers, later on, convert it into the necessity of reading skills for this real world. Reading skills allows students to learn maximum from their…